MIRAGES abstract painting

Bartos Saro – Mirages – abstract painting

Saro is a reflective artist with a sharp sense of texture, light and color. His abstract painting in the Mirage series does not only refer to the transferred meaning of the word. It is an emanation, a poem about the individuality of feeling, a field for getting to know your emotions.

Bartos’ abstract painting presents an imaginary linear internal world. Pictures create a new reality framed by layers of colors and convexities, expressive structures and forms made of dense, strongly sensual granularity. The artist juxtaposes calm surfaces with fragments that are shiny, glaze translucent, or shiny metallic. For this, he uses a wide range of painting media. Through these materials and techniques, he alludes to delusional hopes, appearances, delusions and illusions. Hence the name – Mirages – a phenomenon so often observed in the desert, fata morgana, an image formed by the refraction of light.

Bartos’ abstract painting is a fascinating mirage that engages the viewer, it is a play of light, reflections and its absorption. The picture is constantly changing. The viewer perceives it differently depending on the place from which it is viewed, depending on the lighting. Pictures come to life, delude, create mirages. What the artist has programmed is a game of the object with the viewer. Abstract painting chosen on purpose. Deep dark, matte fragments with thick sand paint, with an expressive drawing, absorb light. Others, covered with thick glass varnish, emit intense reflections: the color covered with them disappears and the reflected light is revealed. Metallic surfaces have their own color, shine with aluminum green, copper and gold, aniline blue.

The painter’s idea is that the painting should be alive, in constant interaction with the viewer. Variability, continuous evolution, which is to give the viewer an almost sensual pleasure of communing with a constantly changing view, an illusion. Thanks to technical measures and the materials used, the painting becomes an autonomous object that spins its eternal, imaginary story. It gives the viewer a unique pleasure, which results from the structure of the images and the materials used to create them.

What is abstract painting is?

Apart from playing with light and color, the artist tries to influence other senses. He suggests that the viewer touch his paintings. They have different surfaces – as a result, they give extremely different tactile sensations. From slickness to silky softness, to almost smooth glassiness, to hard, shivering roughness. The palette of experiences when perceiving abstract painting is unlimited. In the applied matter painting, it affects other senses. Mirages are temporary, they disappear, appear, do not last. It is fascinating, it is intriguing. This is the essence of abstract painting.